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Kanha Core Zone Gypsy Safari Booking

Reserve India Tours
Kanha Core Zone Gypsy Safari Booking

Kanha is a tiger Reserve & home to over 1000 species of flowering plants. The lowland forest is a mixture of sal (Shorea robusta) and other mixed forest trees, interspersed with meadows. The highland forests are tropical moist, dry deciduous type and of a completely different nature from bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) on slopes. A notable Indian ghost tree (Davidia involucrata) can also be seen in the dense forest

If you’re reading this post then we would like to tell you about the Kanha National Park Core Zone Jypsye Safari. Kanha Tiger Reserve, also known as Kanha–Kisli National Park, is one of the tiger reserves of India and the largest national park of the state of Madhya Pradesh. The park hosts Bengal tiger, Indian leopard, sloth bear, barasingha, and dhole. It is also the first tiger reserve in India to officially introduce a mascot, Bhoorsingh the Barasingha.

We are providing the Kanha core zone gpsy safari booking facility

Reserve India Tours
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