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Digital Covid Certificate Verification: Becoming A Global Standard

Digital Covid Certificate Verification: Becoming A Global Standard

What is Digital Covid Certificate Verification?

In December 2019 the world faced an abnormality that turned into a pandemic till March 2020, named COVID-19. This disease is easily transferable by touch due to which lockdowns and shutdowns were imposed throughout the world limiting all practices including traveling. As per IMF’s report, the number of people traveling in 2019 was said to be 1.5 billion which decreased by over 65% in mid-2020. This somehow can be increased by inculcating digital covid certificate verification as it ensures that customers are healthy, vaccinated and if they have encountered the virus in the past, have now recovered. 


Digital Solutions to World-Wide Pandemic

Covid certificate verification is adopted to normalize regular life activities as a new normal. Coronavirus certificate serves as proof that a person:

  • Has been vaccinated 
  • Has been tested negative 
  • Has recovered from the virus  

To visit any public facility covid vaccine certificate is a must-have, whether it be malls, airports, cinemas, or workplaces. To combat the serious consequences, vaccines were introduced and every citizen was obliged to get the shots but to escape the process fraudsters managed to prepare fake certificates and carry out practices. To put the cat in the bag, it has become necessary to verify vaccine certificates before granting access. 

International Vaccination Certificate

People who opt for international traveling, what the reason be, should have an international vaccine certificate to prove their immunization chronicles. But before putting it into action, it is important to check the requisites of the respective country. To maintain the traveling standards international vaccination certificate verification is carried out by using digital tools just to make sure that the traveler does not possess any health-related threats. 

EU Digital Covid Certificate: The Global Passport  

Covid Passport was made available by the European Union from July 1 for all of its citizens and residents as well as for some specific third-country travelers. To provide freedom of travel that has been under halt, the EU created the covid passport which is available in three formats (vaccinated, tested negative, or recovered) depending on the requirement. Through EU covid passport verification travelers can pass by the entrance restrictions, re-testing, and quarantine constraints. 

Sectors Benefiting From Digital Solutions

Every sector from travel to entertainment is fighting to make way through the rough road made by the pandemic. Countries have imposed tough protocols to pass through for carrying out everyday activities. In order to sustain general public health, businesses are compelled to verify covid certificates. In Italy for instance, people traveling from outside have to submit their covid verification certificates beforehand and also on the arrival at the particular airport, likewise, in Germany registration through online means should be presented to border authority and also getting the covid certificate for travel verification. Every sector now strictly observes coronavirus certificate verification. 

  • Cinemas and Arenas
  • Healthcare Centres
  • Banks 
  • Conferences
  • Shopping Malls
  • Workplaces
  • Airports
  • Public Transport
  • Large-Scale Events

Fraud, Health, and Privacy Concerns

In order to respect the privacy of the customer and prevent data breaching, the EU has guaranteed that the information used so far for verification won’t be stored in the systems by other countries. There still exists the possibility of data theft which leads to frauds, quoting the example of Sydney where an app allowing remote certificate downloading caused the creation of fraudulent ones pricing $270. With the use of authentic in-depth analysis tools, industries can verify covid certificates. Not just this, the privacy of costumes can also be ensured along with covid passport verification. 


Verification documents of the covid certificates are no easy feat due to multiple differentiable systems with discrete requirements including, languages, document types along with submission times, and deliberative frameworks. To ensure privacy, security as well as authentic verification, online AI services provide businesses with the utmost solutions which help them in complying with KYC standards and providing such identification of customers that are accepted globally.  

To Surmise

Covid-19 is proven to be a pandemic that has not ended up till now and when it will is undefined. To cope up with this, businesses are urged to incorporate every possible solution necessary for continuous functioning, hence over time, systems went through innovation and started using digital covid certificate verification. This will reduce the burden on physical verification because customers can upload their documents before arriving at the airport. This will add in remote international vaccine certificate verification ultimately saving. So much so, digital proof can be kept within the devices and shown prior to entry in malls, cinemas, banks, public transports, conferences, and healthcare centers which can be verified in seconds by scanning QR codes.

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