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Why change the google password?

Why change the google password?

Most people think the Google account is free, and its security is not too important. Well, this is true that google account is free and google provide the world best protection on their account. At the same time, its security is too much important. If you search on the internet - how to change my google password, you will have a lot of ways. But before that, you should know the importance of changing your google password.

To avoid unwanted thread

Well, if you don’t change your google password after 3 months of a fixed time, it can be a reason for some unwanted threat. Anything can happen with it. Even hackers or online scammers will follow you. In the meantime, they can steal your password or try many things like a password. There is a high possibility of getting hacked into your account. So, if you want to avoid those things, then change them randomly.

Keep your data safe and secure

Along with the google account, there is a lot of data, and many things are related. Suppose your Facebook and other social site is associated with the google account. If you lost the google account, you would lose the associated accounts. So, you need to think about those too. Even sometimes, business and many things depend on those things. Don’t avoid the security issue of those things.

Before ending today’s session, I want to mention one crucial thing. That is, you should use a good password manager. Because after changing the password every time, it will become too hard to remember. Instead, it will be much easier to remember if you keep a password manager. Your manager will remember everything, and you will become free from this. However, we are signing out today after holding good wishes for you. 

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