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How to Perform Brother HL-L2370 Wi-Fi Setup?

Kale Johnson
How to Perform Brother HL-L2370 Wi-Fi Setup?

To perform Brother HL-L2370 printer Wi-Fi setup, turn on your Wi-Fi router and ensure to place the printer within the Wi-Fi network range. Now, connect the power cord of the Brother printer to the electric socket and turn it on. After that, click on the menu button located on the Brother printer. You can use the up or down key and choose the network option and then tap the OK button. Choose the up and down arrows to select the WLAN option and tap to OK. Choose the setup wizard option by using the up or down key and tapping to OK. After seeing Wi-Fi enable the option, tap to yes. Brother printer will start searching for the wireless network from the available list. Choose the Wi-Fi network name and tap OK. Enter the password and tap OK. With this, your Brother HL-L2370 Wi-Fi setup process is completed properly.

Kale Johnson
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