What exactly is CAT?
CAT is an acronym for Common Admission Test. It is a computer-based management aptitude test used to gain admission to one of India's 20 IIMs (Indian Institutes of Management) and over 1200 prestigious B-schools. The purpose of the test is to evaluate and shortlist candidates for business administration programmes (MBA – Master of Business Administration or PGDM – Post Graduate Diploma in Management) offered by the IIMs and other management colleges and institutes.It is not an exaggeration to say that it is one of the most competitive exams in the world, with over 2 lakh candidates applying almost every year. It is divided into three sections: verbal and reading comprehension (VARC), data interpretation and logical reasoning (DILR), and quantitative ability (QA).
How do i prepare for CAT?
To learn what you need to know for CAT, you must have a study plan. The best preparation plan includes an overall strategy, study time, study material, quality mock tests, and previous year's papers.
Rabbit is the company gives Free CAT mock tests to CAT aspirants. Which are highly relevant and made by experts.
What is Rabbit?
Rabbit is driven by the idea of Education for All. Basic education is affordable in some parts of the globe, But, in order to secure admission in colleges or to score competitive grades in boards, students end up spending exorbitantly. Rabbit is born exactly to mitigate this gap. Rabbit is running towards this goal of making exam preparation free of cost for everyone. Rabbit is driven by you. Let's collaborate, compete and succeed.