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Best Tips to Grow Cannabis Outdoors

Adam Christ
Best Tips to Grow Cannabis Outdoors

Grow cannabis outdoors is a good option if you are a beginner. It's relatively inexpensive for newbie’s are there's no requirement of added electricity, ventilation systems or special equipment. 

Another major advantage of growing cannabis outdoors is that you can cultivate big plants that can potentially yield a larger harvest. Of course this begins with a small step of buying wholesale seeds for sale online. 

Whether you are a seasoned pro or a first-timer, here are some tips that can help you grow your favorite cannabis outdoors after you have bought wholesale seeds for sale online.

1. Start indoors

The seed germination process takes place around 2-7 days and should be done in indoor conditions, especially if you reside in the northern climate.

If you're planning to produce a larger yield, you'll need to start soon with your germination process to provide enough time for the plants to grow. Remember, the bigger the plant; the greater potential harvest can be. 

2. Choose the right spot

While choosing the right spot to grow cannabis, take the following factors into consideration:

Temperature: Even though cannabis plants can adapt to various weather conditions, they are quite susceptible to extreme conditions. Cannabis plants shouldn't be ideally grown at temperatures below 12°C or above 30°C for a sustained time. 

Sunlight: Cannabis plants require plenty of sunlight. Choose a spot where you can allow the plant to stay under five hours of direct sunlight and five hours of indirect sunlight. 

Shelter: Choose a spot where you can easily shelter your plant from extreme weather conditions like strong winds and rain. 

3. Soil Vs containers

Growing your plant in the soil provides more nutrients to it, but only if the soil is of high quality. If you choose to grow your plant in soil test, its quality to ensure it is a good fit for growing. 

Using containers can provide you control over the quality of the soil while also providing flexibility and allowing you to relocate the plant under the sun or shade. 

4. Don't skip the basics 

Search for soil with a light texture and good water retaining balance. Cannabis plants require both water and oxygen at the roots to flourish. 

Excess water can stop the oxygen from entering the soil, while insufficient water retention can damage the roots from drying out.  

5. Avoid overwatering

Make sure to water the plants thoroughly. When watering the plants wait until the first one to two inches of soil becomes dry before adding more water.

It is advised to test the water quality or use filtered water because tap water usually contains high levels of dissolved minerals and chlorine, which can accumulate in the soil and eventually affect its pH value or eliminate valuable microorganisms.


Outdoor cultivation of cannabis is a good option, especially if you are just starting out. Buy wholesale seeds for sale online from a good seed bank now!

Adam Christ is the author of this article. For further detail about Wholesale Seeds For Sale Online please visit the website.

Adam Christ
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