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Winterizing Your Garden Fence: Some Tips

Gorilla Fence
Winterizing Your Garden Fence: Some Tips

As autumn rapidly approaches, it's time to consider preserving your wooden fence. This type of garden asset is particularly susceptible during the harsh south wales and the west winter months when temperatures can drop below freezing. Even snowfall becomes an issue for some gardens in proximity with higher elevations such as Merthyr Tydfil or located closer towards the Bristol channel areas winds blow more consistently than inland areas such as Caerphilly, Cwmbran, Pontypool, Usk don't do so bad compared to Swansea, Cardiff Newport & Avonmouth on average throughout most years.

Here are some tips:

  1. Assess for Weak Spots


The first step to keeping your fence in good shape for winter is taking a stroll along its length and checking any signs that might indicate damage, like rot or decay. A good shake of the fence posts 

can give you an idea if you have any real movement at all If you find anything suspicious, replace some posts or panels on either side depending on how bad things are at certain spots before fixing them permanently with paint (or other materials).


2.     Clear Away Leaves and Debris

Leaves and other types of debris can cause a problem when they are at the base. The timber will decay faster than it would naturally because there is moisture trapped in those leaves, which causes more stress on your fence posts or boards. Try using a gravel board that can be replaced and will help over time!

3.     Waterproof Your Fence


Preserve your fence with preservative oils; this will help your fence withstand moisture or, better still, go for a professional local maintenance company to do it. The best way to maintain a strong, lasting structure is by re-applying these products every couple of years so you can keep up with their life expectancy!


4.     Clear any Low Hanging Branches or Debris


Trees and their branches are the main common cause of damage to fences. The wind and rain can break them off, so be sure you remove any low-hanging ones before it's too late!


5.     Ensure Posts are Secure

Fences are an important part of the landscape, so check your fence posts regularly. If you notice any leaning or snapped wood panels on yours, fix it as soon as possible! Better still, go for a Virtually non-maintenance solution that comes in all different colors, styles and sizes and look at our products and services in and around South Wales and the Bristol area.

Learn more about Gorillafence at https://gorillafence.co.uk/.

Gorilla Fence
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