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Torrance Personal Injury Lawyer | Farahi Law Firm CA

Justin Farahi

You are welcome for a free consultation at our Crenshaw and Hawthorne offices. 

You’ll know you have a case by answering these three questions:

  1. Did you get physically injured from the accident or incident?
  2. Were these injuries caused by another person’s fault or negligence?
  3. Do you have recoverable losses or damages?

If yes, then it’s time for you to find an attorney who can help. At Farahi Law Firm, we are dedicated to helping people like you obtain justice and compensation after suffering serious physical or emotional harm due to someone else’s carelessness.

We understand that each situation is unique, so our Torrance personal injury lawyer will work with you closely throughout your entire legal process to ensure you receive fair treatment and maximum recovery possible.  Contact us today at (310) 554-8347. FREE CASE REVIEW.

Personal Injury Lawyer

We offer aggressive representation on behalf of clients who suffer catastrophic injuries as well as those who need assistance recovering lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and other compensatory damages.

Atty. Justin Farahi has been awarded Lawyer of the Year in 2021 by the American Institute of Legal Professionals. In addition, our practice areas include wrongful death cases, premises liability claims, car accidents, slip & fall incidents, dog bites, motorcycle collisions, trucking accidents, construction site accidents, nursing home abuse, elder neglect, and more.

Justin Farahi
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