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Complete guide on RFID and its applications in supply chain management and logistics

PB shaikh
Complete guide on RFID and its applications in supply chain management and logistics

We all love visiting shopping malls and supermarkets and why not? We get to buy our favorite clothes, household items, and groceries there.

However, there’s a part that we all hate the most – to wait in the never-ending billing queue.

We all have to wait and see the biller scanning all the items one-by-one. At that time, we all would’ve at least wished once to have a technology that can curtail this lengthy process.

Evolution of RFID

Do you know the products that are available in your favourite retail store go through quite a long journey? The concept of RFID is not new, its usage has been initiated at the time of the second world war. In world war 2, Britishers have used RFID to track and identify the Aircraft making system.

PB shaikh
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