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True Discipleship

Disciple-Making Movement Books
True Discipleship

'True Discipleship' will challenge your way of life and your commitment to Jesus. Please read it, but beware: you might get angry at first when you do read it. It entailed sharing with people of all races and ethnic groups the good news of God's grace and love, demonstrated in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus . By the grace of God, Christian discipleship is the process by which the teacher engages and facilitates the training of a follower in self-denial with the goal of producing godliness. We know that the primary purpose of Jesus' coming to the world was to establish the kingdom of God through his death. Actually, Discipleship is walking together in the way of Christ, learning to die, learning how to leave who you were, and learning who you now are. Finally, Discipleship provides the avenue to nurture the new convert in biblical teachings. The amount of encouragement that comes to us cannot be understood without knowing the importance of discipleship.

Disciple-Making Movement Books
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