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A Guide on the Use of A BOD Incubator

Presto Stantest Private Limited
A Guide on the Use of A BOD Incubator

The BOD incubator is a highly used testing instrument in microbiology labs. In this testing instrument, the microbe samples that are used for testing will consume oxygen. When more oxygen is consumed by this testing instrument then, there will be depletion of oxygen. Thus, oxygen is used as an electron receptor and the organic material taken by microbes will provide them efficient energy to survive. This can be measured by COD or chemical oxygen demand procedure. 

To know more information about its features, price, and technical specifications, give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at info@prestogroup.com.

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Read More: - https://www.prestogroup.com/blog/a-guide-on-the-use-of-a-bod-incubator/

Presto Stantest Private Limited
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