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10 Ways to Increase the Security of Chain Link Fencing

Bellevue Fencing
10 Ways to Increase the Security of Chain Link Fencing

Even though chain link fencing, in theory, is one of the most secure types of fencing available today. There are still several ways to ensure that your fence remains intact and retains its security, no matter what it's made out of. From choosing the right barbed wire to maintaining a tight seal around the edges of your property by the best fence company in Bellevue WA.

Fencing is considered to be one of the most valuable and fortifying defensive tactics that a homeowner can have to protect themselves and their property. Not only does it keep out unwanted guests and intruders, but it also keeps in your children and pets.

Use these ten tips to ensure that you're doing everything that you can to make sure your fence remains as secure as possible, so your family stays safe.

10 Ways to Increase the Security of Chain Link Fencing

1. Choose the right grade of chain link fence.

There are several types of chain link fences that can be used, and you must choose one that will be able to stand up to a variety of weather conditions and harsh environments. Before buying your first set, call Bellevue Fencing and ask a few questions about the type of fence you are purchasing.

2. Assemble a good inventory.

Whether you're buying a fence from a chain link fence company in Bellevue or you're building it yourself, make sure that you have an inventory of all the different types and grades of the fences on hand.

3. Check to see if your chain link fence is secure.

To find out how secure your fence is, set up two or three pieces at one end of the fence section and see how many people can climb over them to get to the other side. If more than two people can climb over the fence easily, it's time for a new fence.

4. Keep an eye on your gates and other entrances.

Whether you're installing a new chain link fence or you're just having an old one repaired, make sure that you have a good and secure gate with which to control who can and cannot enter the premises.

5. Ensure that all parts are secure.

Find a professional chain link fence installer if you can, or pay to have a professional work on your fence. The experts know how to build and install the best kind of chain link fence.

6. Decide on the right type of barbed wire.

From many different types of barbed wire, pick one that is the most secure, strongest, and will be able to withstand a variety of weather conditions.

7. Install a metal, or chain link fence beautification.

If you decide to build your fence and you're using barbed wire, install metal spikes to the bottom of your fence instead of the regular kind.

8. Install privacy fences.

You can also use some type of privacy fencing, like vertical blinds or any type of decorative fencing that will act as a barrier without blocking off your view completely.

9. Upgrade your gate and doors with better locks and bars.

Upgrade and replace old gates with new high-security ones by Bellevue fence company. New doors with security features are also available and are the best way to keep unwanted people out of your property.

10. Check your chain link fence regularly for problems.

Check the fence every 4 to 6 weeks to make sure that it is in good condition, especially if you notice any damaged or ill-fitting areas that need repairing or replacing. If something does break, don't take chances and replace the entire fence yourself instead of trying to fix it on your own.

Another tip to remember is to buy an attractive fence. You wouldn't want to spend your hard-earned money on something that you don't like. So not only is it important for people looking at your chain link fence to focus on the security of it but also the look of it.

So there you have it, 10 ways to increase the security of chain link fencing. It's another way for you to make your fence look good and one more way for you to make sure that it remains as safe as possible.


The above-mentioned tips will help you increase the security of your chain link fence. They are not difficult to implement and can work wonders for your properties. By following these tips, you will be able to keep intruders out and keep your fencing looking stylish at the same time. Bellevue Fencing is a place where you can get your fence installed and repaired. We offer you the best quality fence and our contractors are highly qualified in whatever they do. Call us at 425-620-3484 and we can get started.

Bellevue Fencing
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