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Benefits of using a Desk Booking Software | NFS Rendezvous

Benefits of using a Desk Booking Software | NFS Rendezvous

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about a huge transformation in the working environment. Many companies have decided to go with the hybrid work model, where employees can schedule their work at both office and home as per the requirements. With such changes all around the world, there arises the need for desk booking software. Most of the companies have decided to reconfigure their space considering factors like cleanliness, covid-19 guidelines, etc., and in such a situation, things are not like before where you had a permanent workspace or desk for working. For instance, as per the guidelines, you may need to visit the office two to three days a week, and companies are opting for common workspaces, and they will have to reserve the places as per their working schedule. 

You are well aware of the situations where your company booked a venue for a day to conduct a conference or a meeting. In the same way, they will now book workspaces for the day depending upon the number of employees who will be working from the office. In these changing situations, where remote working has become the new norm, it is absolutely useless to maintain a permanent workspace. This is how a desk booking solution will work. The desk booking software helps you book the workspace for a day or two, and then you can assign your employees to their respective desks. 

With the help of the software, you can upload the office floor plan that consists of very clear details about the individual work desks, meeting rooms, etc. As a manager, you can designate each desk for your employees. This advance reservation ensures that there is no confusion regarding the seating arrangement among the employees. The feature can also be made available to your employees where they can use the web or mobile apps to reserve their desks well in advance. After reaching the office, they can make use of the QR code to start using the assigned desk. However, to avail the benefits of reserving your workspace beforehand, you can check the NFS Rendezvous’s booking software, 

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