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Everything You Need to Know About Cold Cream

Everything You Need to Know About Cold Cream

Most of us might have heard about cold cream while growing up.

Cold creams have always been around and we have seen our mothers use them.

These creams were one of the first beauty products used by women and were generally associated with the winter season.

What is Cold Cream?

Cold creams are an emulsification of oil and water which is the reason they get easily absorbed in the skin just like any other water-based cream.

Cold cream also has other ingredients including a thickening agent and emulsifier that prevents absorption of cold cream beneath the upper layer of the skin.

Why Should You Use Cold Cream?

Cold creams can be part of the skin routine during the day as well as at night time. Many of us might be struggling with dry and flaky skin in the winter season.

Instead of running to the drugstore and trying different chemical combinations, you can give the cold cream a try. It is heavy in texture and will protect against any moisture loss from the skin.

Cold Cream Benefits:

Cold creams have many advantages, such as

  • Better Skin Quality
  • Dry Skin Treatment
  • Full Body Applications

All About Zymo Moisturizing Cold Cream:

Zymo moisturizing cold cream is a lightweight, non-greasy formula that easily absorbs in the skin.

It contains natural ingredients such as vitamin E and Avocado oil that hydrate the skin and keep it soft.

It is free from parabens, colorants, and other ingredients with harmful effects on the skin.

We are also one of the leading beauty product manufacturers and you can get every kind of beauty product from us including herbal products.

We can help you with establishing a brand name in the beauty products industry with our wide range of products.

This Blog was Originally Published at Zymo Cosmetics.

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