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Ultimate Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy | Dr. Neha Mehta

Dr. Neha Mehta
Ultimate Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy | Dr. Neha Mehta

In recent years, mental health awareness has grown immensely among the people. There is always a risk that negative feelings you associate with your problem will return. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is considered to be one of the most rapid therapies there is when it comes to getting quick results. This modality can treat mental health conditions such as addiction, anxiety, depression and many more. 

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is a term covering a variety of therapies that focuses on internal thought processes and the role that self- awareness has on a person’s thoughts and emotions. It allows individuals to reverse negative thoughts and focus on what is within their control. This is why Dr. Neha Mehta continues practicing CBT skills even after you are feeling better and your sessions have finished. Here are some Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy share by her:

  • Fast Results 
  • Positive Outlook on Life 
  • Long Lasting Positive Change 
  • Develop Self- Esteem 
  • Develop More Rational Thoughts 

Know more about Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with our dedicated blog on CBT Therapy

Dr. Neha Mehta
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