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What Should You Expect from Your Root Canal?

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What Should You Expect from Your Root Canal?

‘Root canal’ is a strong word. And when you hear it, strong and, at times, scary images are conjured inside your hide. The procedure itself is relatively simple in theory. The procedure is also relatively painless when done well. But still, it can scare a lot of people and make them take a step back even when they sorely need it.


In this blog, we hope to educate you about root canals. This way, if you ever need an emergency dentist in Oldham or a nearby area, then you can reach out to us and book your appointment without any hesitation.


Root canals, due to their sensitive nature, are done over two visits. The first visit is used to assess the situation. After which, if there is an infection present, then you will need to do a strong course of antibiotics to remove the infection. After that, the second visit will be scheduled, and the procedure will be done in its entirety.


Why Would It Be Needed?

The most basic explanation is poor oral care. It is the usual suspect 90% of the time because it can lead to bacteria festering in the crevices of your gums. And that can, subsequently, lead to you developing an infection. There are also other reasons why an infection might develop, such as a broken tooth, a leaking filling or some other damage.


What is the ‘root’ in a root canal?

Let’s talk a bit about the structure of your teeth to better understand how root canals work. A tooth is made up of two parts: a crown and a root. The crown is the upper part of the tooth that is also very visible. The root is the inside part of your tooth that has nerve fibres in it, and it extends down into the gums connecting it. The root also affixes your tooth into its position in the gum. The process of a root canal is to create a disconnect between the root of the tooth and the gum it is extending into.


Prep Work

The root of your tooth, as mentioned, is under your tooth and extends down into the gums. This means that it cannot be viewed by conventional means. This is where the use of X-rays comes in. The X-ray technique gives the dentist a good view of the root of your tooth.


The Process

The main reason why people hesitate when it comes to root canals is that they fear the pain. But rest assured, you will be provided with the appropriate numbing medication to numb your gums and make the procedure as painless and comfortable as possible for you.


The root of the tooth is exposed, and the pulp of your tooth is gently removed. This pulp is the main culprit for carrying the infections which are giving you oral trouble. Once the pulp is removed, the canal is exposed. Files are used to widen this area, after which it is cleaned and then filled. Once filled, the pulp (sans infection) is placed back, and the crown is fitted onto the tooth.



Hopefully, this was enough to give you a clearer image of how root canals are done. And how they are not something that you need to be scared of. So, if you are ever in a position where a root canal is necessary, then you can book an emergency dentist in Blackburn, for example, through Emerdency, and get the dental care you require. 

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