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Where Should You Ideally Install Solar Panels

Green Roof
Where Should You Ideally Install Solar Panels

To know where to install your solar panels is an essential factor in getting the most use out of them. The geographical placement of your house, the direction of your roof, and the size of your panels are all important factors that need to be considered before you install.

Mentioned here are some tips to help you decide.

Location options

On Your Roof

Solar panels are commonly installed on roof tops. These can easily be mounted to the roof of your home, car park area or a shed adjacent. Placing the panels on south-facing roofs is the most viable option because they facilitate the greatest energy output. Southeast and southwest facing roofs will also be ideally good. 

Benefit of roof installation is that your panels are out of the way. They also protect your roof from harsh weather and block the sun from hitting your roof. It keeps your house cooler.

On the Ground

Benefits of ground installation are that the panels can be easily and safely installed, maintained and accessed. Ground solar panels offer better efficiency and also help to keep the panels cool. You also have the option to expand your system on the ground. 

On the Wall

Placing solar panels on the wall where it is ideally good to the reception of maximum sunlight is another option. If your building premises is not surrounded by trees and if any wall of your building can be chosen to place these panels, it also is an option to consider.

Go Solar For The Better

If you have been thinking about installing solar panels off lately, for your commercial or business uses, it is the best decision you would be making. In the long-run it does save you a lot of money and you will also be contributing to an eco-friendly living. 

Green Roof
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