Like most people, you probably use a mobile banking application…
Because, if you’re like me you’re always on the run.
Mobile banking is a fast and convenient way to effectively manage your money – i.e. check your balance, transfer money, pay bills online, and more.
However, only about two-thirds of bank customers with a cellular device currently enjoy the benefits of mobile banking.
Why has the adoption rate not yet reached its highest potential? One of the reasons is a lack of trust from the consumers.
Especially seen in older generations, individuals do not fully trust technology. The thought of having all their banking information right on a mobile app – and at the palm of their hand – simply scares them, rather than intrigues them.
But, with fraud, IP infringement and malware so prevalent in our technology-driven world, how do you convince the remaining percentage of bank customers to take advantage of the ease of mobile banking?
Read More: Ways to Improve Security of Mobile Banking Apps

As the demand for mobile applications is in the priority, mobile applications are becoming imperative for every company now.
At Endive Software, we understand what it needs to get bug-free performing, rich-feature mobile app development.
With more than 10+ years of experience in tailored mobile application development, we can make a world-class mobile app for your enterprise.
As a famous and reputable mobile app development company in the USA and India, we make sure high quality while creating impactful mobile applications.
We have been providing excellent mobile application development solutions to the worldwide customers since 2010.https://www.endivesoftware.com/mobile-application-development-servicesDo you have any question or an app plan?
Just you can get in touch with Endive either by leaving a direct query on sales@endivesoftware.com or fill our request a quote form on our website: www.endivesoftware.com/get-quote or call us on +1 (941) 312-2199.

Mobile applications development companies are well responding to to the call of on-demand economy and sweating it out to build mobile apps that will get services to the doorsteps of consumers. When in need of a vehicle to journey away or a maid to take care of their homes, people today can just go through their mobile screens, open an app and hire the identical. While the on-demand economy will thrive because it is making daily lives of people more resourceful by providing them great convenience, there are multiple enterprise regions that are leveraging the idea of on-demand mobile apps.
Let's talk about some of the prominent enterprise areas where on-demand services app is playing its part well and generating new revenue streams for the entrepreneurs.
1 Local services
The tale of on-demand services started out when some local shops or food stores started delivering their products on the doorsteps of consumers staying with a proximate range. Mobile app development company has been the medium for customers to view their products and place orders.
Following the trend, many big and small food-centres, grocery stores, clothing and retail outlets started out with their own on-demand deliveries. Major triggers for the customers to use their mobile apps are the comfort of shopping from home, bit cheaper prices, can search over a range of products, and can even shop from the stores which are not at a convenient location.
2 Personal Utility services
Use of on-demand apps also shore up tremendously in the realm of personal utility and healthcare services. Apps in these segment include services of stylists, fitness trainers, therapists, body spa, tailoring and so forth. While to avail any of these, people earlier have to either walk into the services centres or call beforehand to get appointments, with apps they are now getting all personal and healthcare treatment at their homes.
With easy-to-use apps, people can now view the types of services offered, hire an executive and get themselves served. Even payments are going cashless with such apps, as customers have the option to make in-app payments using credit/debit cards.
3 Transportation
There's no stopping to the evolution of on-demand services in travel and transportation. Perhaps the fastest growing type of apps enterprise, 'private cars on hire' is the recent buzz of all metropolitan towns and cities. Also available with facilities of pool or shuttle, on-demand cab services are gradually overshadowing the conventional taxis, available less and from the stands. Contrary to this, people can now hire a cab right from their present location. They get to see the cabs available in their proximity via the mobile app and tap on 'hire' to get themselves picked up.
4 Homecare Services
There's more of the on-demand apps! Apart from personal care, they are now available for different household services including laundry, home cleaners, cooks, electricians, plumbers, babysitters, pet sitters, etc. So, instead of searching for services providers from different sources and approaching them personally, they can use apps. They are performing the role of a middle-man between the homemakers and the services centers. Furthermore, with such an app, service providers can now tap profits from the distant markets apart from the locals.
To cut it short, on-demand mobile application development is booming fast. Even before companies can realise what an on-demand app can do to their enterprise, consumers are getting crazy over the trend. And, why not? Those apps are like mini-guide in their pockets, helping them get what they want in minutes. Soon a time may come when people won't venture out of their homes to look for a service or product.

There will be 7 billion mobile app users in 2021 worldwide.The mobile app industry continues to grow at a phenomenal pace connecting businesses with users across the globe.Know about app type, platforms, factors, design, Complexity, development, and how to calculate the cost.
It's an opportunity for every entrepreneur to develop their mobile app.
Find Out How much Cost to Develop a Mobile Applicationhttps://www.nevinainfotech.com/blog/how-much-does-it-cost-to-develop-a-mobile-app-in-2021/

As per the report of Grand View Research, the global chatbot market is expected to cross $1.23 billion by the year 2025.
Another emerging technology is, well, we cannot consider it emerging any more as it has already strengthened position across various industries and cities in a couple of years.
The Statista report has predicted that the consumer spending on IoT will cross $1494 billion by 2020.
For example, many large and mid-size industries have their call centers to get quick feedback and offer a rapid resolution of queries to the existing customers.
Now, chatbots can bring automation in the entire process while making it more customer-friendly, engaging, and quick.
Let’s go through how a tailored IoT app development solution can enable the enterprises to leverage the benefits of this concept.