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11 Ways to improve security of mobile banking apps

PB shaikh
11 Ways to improve security of mobile banking apps

Like most people, you probably use a mobile banking application

Because, if you’re like me you’re always on the run.

Mobile banking is a fast and convenient way to effectively manage your money – i.e. check your balance, transfer money, pay bills online, and more.

However, only about two-thirds of bank customers with a cellular device currently enjoy the benefits of mobile banking.

Why has the adoption rate not yet reached its highest potential? One of the reasons is a lack of trust from the consumers.

Especially seen in older generations, individuals do not fully trust technology. The thought of having all their banking information right on a mobile app – and at the palm of their hand – simply scares them, rather than intrigues them.

But, with fraud, IP infringement and malware so prevalent in our technology-driven world, how do you convince the remaining percentage of bank customers to take advantage of the ease of mobile banking?

Read More: Ways to Improve Security of Mobile Banking Apps

PB shaikh
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