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Readymade ASP.NET Redbus Clone Script - SCRIPTSTORE.IN

dodit solutions
Readymade ASP.NET Redbus Clone Script - SCRIPTSTORE.IN

SCRIPTSTORE to give you an idea of how our ASP.NET REDBUS CLONE SCRIPT features would be.  Every business wishes to be one or other way the same and if you want to start a site just as same as Online Bus Booking Website, then you have reached the right place. Our Redbus Clone Script has all the relevant features and benefits that could result in bringing a hike to your business career. Online Bus Ticket Booking Script includes a bus transport administration system that allows your company to manage all internal operations. Embed our online bus ticketing system on your website and enable your customer’s book tickets Online and make payments. it’s a strong code designed with the foremost intention of generating a dynamic and automatic system for all bus booking and reservation operations. Manage All Internal Operations including, Staff, Salaries, Expenses, Income, Bus documents, and Drivers' licenses and Trips. A feature-packed Bus Reservation System with API & OWN Inventory software and Ticketing management system to seamlessly manage your drivers, vehicles, bookings, payments, promotions, and more. With Our Bus Reservation System with API & OWN Inventory App, You can completely transform your Ticketing Operations with the custom-build you need, a Customer App, and a powerful Admin panel to manage the business. Check our detailed Bus Reservation System with API & OWN Inventory Script Proposal for more details.

UNIQUE Options :

Super Admin

Multiple API integrations

Own bus inventory management

distinctive price, Commission, and repair charge for agent wise

Affiliations booking modules

notecase user modules

Seat vendor

White label



price ticket booking

price ticket management

Seat management

Cancel tickets

Payment management

Commission management

Cancellation policies

public utility details

price ticket booking advantage

Bulk SMS management

Sms log details

Email log details

Manage banners

Manage marquee text

Contact :  

Mobile  : +91 7339131505

Landline : +0431 4000616

Email: support@doditsolutions.in, info@doditsolutions.com 

Link: http://scriptstore.in/product/asp-net-redbus-clone/

dodit solutions
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