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What Are the Benefits of Legal Certifications?

Law School Admission Council, Inc.
What Are the Benefits of Legal Certifications?

Legal Certificate programs are a great way to expand your legal knowledge without spending a lot of money or time. There are several types of legal certificate programs. Most of these programs aim to provide legal knowledge to those interested in working in the legal field without becoming a lawyer.

As long as you have a bachelor’s degree, you can take any certificate course. Here are some of the ways you can benefit from a legal certification program:

Become a Legal Assistant or Paralegal

A paralegal or legal assistant works alongside a lawyer and helps prepare for hearings, perform research, write legal reports, etc. This is a very popular profession. A legal certificate program can help you gain enough knowledge and skills to become a paralegal.

Become a Court Reporter

A court reporter is a person that is responsible for transcribing verbal correspondence in a courtroom, government agency, or a law office. This profession requires several skills.

The best way to become a court reporter is by taking a certificate course in the subject. Always make sure to see if the certificate program prepares you for exams that are required for getting the proper licensure.

Become a Legal Administrative Assistant

Legal administrative assistants help do a variety of different administrative work in a law firm. These may include answering phone calls, typing, filing, accounting, scheduling, billing, etc. A legal certificate can help you in this profession.

Further your legal knowledge for your profession

Many professions may require legal knowledge, for example, healthcare, real estate, criminal justice, public policy, etc. Professionals in these fields may not necessarily want to get a full-time legal education since they only need to focus on a very specific area of legal study. 

This is when a legal certificate program becomes useful. Since these courses can be taken online and take very little time to finish, they are perfect for non-legal professionals.

Receive specialized training as a lawyer

Many lawyers only study for a JD degree and do not continue further higher education. A certificate program is great for these kinds of legal professionals because it allows them to learn a specific legal field without studying in a master’s program. Lawyers may also want to brush up on their skills through a legal certificate program.

In a nutshell

Law certificate can help you change your career, become more knowledgeable about the legal system, or advance your legal career. Several law schools offer legal certificate programs.

Most of these programs can be completed within a few weeks or a few months, and they are available online as well as on-campus. Find out more about Legal Certificates and other legal courses from the website of Law School Admission Council.

Cameron Martin is the author of this article. To know more about Legal education please visit our website: lsac.org

Law School Admission Council, Inc.
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