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Should You Even Consider Buying A Lemon Law Car?

Allen Stewart
Should You Even Consider Buying A Lemon Law Car?

A lemon car is a term given to a new or used vehicle that has major problems after you buy or lease it. If those problems do not resolve after multiple attempts have been made to repair the car, it is determined to be a lemon.

The manufacturer might reimburse for repairs or receive a replacement vehicle under lemon law existing for your state. However, some lemon cars have manageable problems, which could be good for you if you have to hold on to the vehicle or even think about buying a lemon law car

This article explores whether you should consider buying a lemon law car.  

What Are The Reasons People Buy Lemon Law Cars?

As mentioned, sometimes, lemon cars can have manageable problems. Many expensive cars are available at dirt-cheap prices due to their lemon status. Consumers might think that the considerable savings on the lemon cars could offset any minor problems that could arise. 

Further, if the problem with the car is minor, the buyer might think about buying the cars at the low prices they are available for and getting the minor issues repaired at a low cost. If the savings on buying the car are significantly higher than the cost of repairs, they could have a good deal on their hands. 

However, the risk in buying a lemon law car is that they are mostly sold 'as-is,' which means that the car is sold in the condition it is, and any defects or flaws after purchase are the buyer's responsibility. In simple terms, the car doesn't offer any warranty.

Can I Return My Car To The Dealer Within 30 Days?

Sometimes, consumers who buy a car could feel a change of heart after driving the car home and would like to return the car to the dealer. 

Buyers decide to return a car due to mostly the following three reasons:

1 – Buyer's Remorse – Buyers who suffer from buyer's remorse can contact the dealer and request to return the car. 

2 – Was Charged Too Much – If the buyer feels they were promised deals that were not fulfilled, they can contact the dealer with any documentation to back the claim. 

3 – Got A Lemon Car – The buyer can recourse in their state's lemon laws to return the car to the dealer as per the lemon law procedures. 

In most cases, the decision to cancel the contract and accept the return of a vehicle rests with the dealer, except in lemon law cases. 

Ending Notes

Some buyers might choose to buy lemon cars due to the savings they offer, especially if the car's defects are minor and don't affect the safety of the vehicle. However, most lemon cars are sold as-is, which could put the responsibility solely on the buyer in the case of serious problems with the car. If you would like help with lemon laws in your state, please click here.

Andrew Richardson is the author of this Article. To know more about Colorado Duplicate Title please visit our website: allenstewart.com

Allen Stewart
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