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How Magento 2 Delivery Date & Time Extension Is An Inspiring Tool?

Puneet Verma
How Magento 2 Delivery Date & Time Extension Is An Inspiring Tool?

Key Features Of Magento 2 Delivery Date & Time Extension

Checkout Page Delivery Date

Cultivating visitors' trust is not easy but you can gradually impress the visitors and make them feel comfortable within your e-shop. You can offer them easy but attractive & useful shipping options at the checkout page. So, potential buyers can select the date and time for receiving the item delivery. Clients have a lot of expectations from the e-shoppers and the Magento 2 Delivery Date & Time extension can empower you to fulfill the client's desires regarding receiving their items at their chosen time & date.     

Estimated Day of Delivery

How exciting it would be if buyers can know about their expected item delivery date and time? Buyers will definitely like this idea. Magento 2 Delivery Date & Time extension empowers you to add the expected date and time on the item page, so buyers should be aware of delivery time. It can also enhance the chances of buying items by clients. It encourages the buyers to make the purchase by offering custom same-day delivery and next-day delivery.   

Shipping Date Restrictions

An owner should be able to control everything that is going on in the organization whether it is about displaying something or handling tools, sales, inventory, or something else. Control is necessary for e-shop owners, so they can direct and monitor each business process and take necessary actions accordingly. Similarly, Magento 2 Delivery Date & Time extension offers you the control of showing the expected delivery date and time to the buyers. It also enables you to customize the delivery date and time as per your desire. Now you have full control, so you can show some special dates and times for some specific items and you can also hide some features for specific items.    

Order Limits and Time Intervals

This extension also enables you to handle the order limits and time intervals. Now you can save your business from order overloading with this extension. Now you can simply handle all orders you will receive. You will also set a limit of receiving orders in a day. This is how you can manage all orders and deliveries without losing orders and clients.  

Puneet Verma
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