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How Do I Renew McAfee Antivirus Subscription

How Do I Renew McAfee Antivirus Subscription

When you already have McAfee installed and have a renewal product key, you can easily Renew McAfee Antivirus Subscription. Before moving forward, you should make sure that your renewal product key matches the version of McAfee you have installed. McAfee antivirus provides all-around security for your device. It is the best antivirus for stopping viruses, malware, and other malicious threats that would have harmed your computer, laptop, or other device. In McAfee activate, you can also choose to opt for automatic renewal, where you enter your credit/debit card information and set it up for auto-deduction. Alternatively, you can choose to opt out of auto-renewal and renew manually.

You will have to set up the automatic subscription manually if you don't have it enrolled yet. You can learn how in this section.

1. In order to activate McAfee, you should first visit the McAfee/activate site.

2. Click these three lines at the top.

3. Further, you need to click For Home.

4. Click Sign In.

5. Enter your email ID and password to proceed.

6.If you are using your personal PC, click Remember me and Log in.

7. Click on My Account > Subscriptions.

8.Choose the McAfee services you would like to renew and click Renew.

9. Now you need to enter the billing details and complete the transaction.

10.The renewal confirmation mail is now being sent to you, and you can also view the purchase history on the subscription page.

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