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Look Younger with PRP and Microneedling

Karmina Lacku
Look Younger with PRP and Microneedling

If you looking for a non-invasive cosmetic treatment to get natural younger-looking skin, then Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) with Microneedling is the best option for you. Also called a “Vampire Facial”, it involves the use of platelets and plasma from your blood, which safely prompts the natural healing system of your skin, giving you fresh, smooth, beautiful, and rejuvenated skin. 

What is Microneedling? 

Microneedling is a cosmetic technique in which tiny sterilized needles prick the skin to produce collagen. It is extremely beneficial, as it minimizes wrinkles and rejuvenates your skin by enhancing the appearance of acne scars. Microneedling makes small punctures in the skin that encourage your skin to heal itself by making new collagen and elastin.  

Some benefits of this skin needling procedure include: 

  • Boosting skin tightness and firmness 
  • Improving the looks of stretch marks 
  • Reducing the spider veins and broken capillaries  
  • Improvement in hyperpigmentation and the size of pores 
  • Enhancing the appearance of scars and skin texture 

What is Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP)? 

Plasma is a part of the blood, and platelets are also found in the blood. Platelet-Rich-Plasma is a 3-step process that requires your blood: 

  • The professional draws blood from your arm. 
  • It is then kept inside a machine that separates the platelets from the rest of the blood. 
  • The part of the blood which comprises a high concentration of platelets is again injected into your body. 

Besides cosmetic procedures, orthopedic surgeons also use PRP therapy to aid athletes in recovering more swiftly after an injury. 

PRP, along with Microneedling for acne scars removal, is an effective treatment, as it speeds up wound healing and gives you smooth skin. PRP is in great demand among women who want younger-looking skin. 

How PRP with Microneedling Differs from a Normal Microneedling Session? 

Microneedling is a cosmetic treatment that is specifically used to lessen the signs of aging. During a session, a cosmetic professional uses a special device or roller that has tiny needles to puncture the skin and trigger the production of new collagen. Therefore, this therapy is also called Percutaneous Collagen Induction or Collagen Induction Therapy. 

Platelet-rich plasma, as topically or as an injection can be included in your Microneedling session by paying some extra amount. It will improve the skin’s healing process and reduce the duration of swelling and redness, which can be observed after the skin needling session. PRP has shown excellent results for individuals preferring Microneedling for acne scars. 

Besides using PRP with Microneedling for stretch marks removal, the procedure also yields outstanding results for: 

  • Fine lines and wrinkles 
  • Sagging facial skin 
  • Deep creases 
  • Rough skin texture 
  • Acne scars 
  • Pigmentation, and more.  

How to Prepare for the Appointment? 

Your cosmetic expert will give you precise instructions on how to prepare yourself for the procedure. These instructions may comprise: 

  • Avoid excessive and unprotected sun exposure or tanning many weeks ahead of your PRP with a Microneedling appointment. 
  • Don’t wear makeup or apply any moisturizer on the day of the treatment. 
  • Start drinking lots of water several days before your session. 
  • Stop taking any anti-inflammatory medicines or systematic steroids at least a week or two before the procedure. 
  • Avoid taking blood-thinning supplements or herbs. 
  • Stay away from laser treatments, threading, waxing, electrolysis, or chemical peels a week ahead of the session. 

When Can You See the Results? 

  • Your instant results after the skin needling treatment may not be perfect, but in the coming weeks, you will start noticing a change in your skin. 
  • It will appear more rejuvenated and you will look younger.  
  • You might start observing results within a week of your procedure.  
  • The results might last for 1 to 2 years depending on your skin’s condition and type.  
  • You might need a few touch-up sessions 4 to 6 weeks apart to achieve outstanding results.  

Getting rejuvenated skin has become extremely easy with PRP and Microneedling procedures. By including PRP with a Microneedling procedure, you can achieve enhanced benefits from both treatments. 

Microneedling creates microchannels that enable the PRP to penetrate your layers of the skin. It is an effective and safe way to get skin that looks younger, smooth, and more beautiful. 

Karmina Lacku
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