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100% Purebred Cocker Spaniel Puppies Available at Efficient Prices in Pune

My Wag N Tails
100% Purebred Cocker Spaniel Puppies Available at Efficient Prices in Pune

100% Purebred Cocker Spaniel Puppies Available at Efficient Prices in Pune

A cocker spaniel puppy can bring much joy to even the most devout of hearts, with his big and floppy ears and doe eyes. A compact and spry sporting dog, born to flush out birds for hunters, this dog has a combination of curiosity, affection, and a spirit to match.

Cocker spaniels, like other spaniels, were used for hunting for centuries, and it was only in the early 19th century when breed standards were starting to develop that the cocker spaniel became an official breed. With their names originating from their habit of searching for woodcocks, cocker spaniels are not only smaller in size but also just as lively as their bigger siblings.

This dog, although bred for hunting, is not only so much fun to play with, but it tends to give the humans, their favorite humans, belly rubs.

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