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How to make swastik sign at home?

Talk to Astro
How to make swastik sign at home?

How To Make Swastik At Home?

1. Swastik sign is made using the kumkum paste, hence the first step is to make three 3x3 dots on surface where symbol will be painted.

2. Begin by drawing a line from the top row's right corner dot to the centre dot in the same row.

3. Bring the line all the way down to the centre dot. Connect the middle dot in the second row with the right dot in the same row with a horizontal line.

4. Draw it down even farther to link it to the right dot in the bottom row.

5. Now draw a vertical line from the top row's left dot to the middle row's left dot.

6. Draw a horizontal line from the left dot in the middle row to the middle dot in the bottom row, then link it to the left dot in the same row with a horizontal line.

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