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Buy Mining Rig of 8 Mining GPUs

Premium Trading Limited - premiumtradinglimited.co.uk
Buy Mining Rig of 8 Mining GPUs


Mining Rig of 8 Mining GPUs

Mining rig consisting of 8 RTX 2060 video cards , Buy Mining Rig of 8 Mining GPUs (video card brands may vary depending on availability, without affecting performance). All components used are new.

The rig has an aluminium profile structure or a mining case (closed with fans), depending on the customer’s request.

Hashrate: 259.52 mh/s

Power consumption: 740w

The above values may vary during testing by +/-5%.

The machine is delivered to the customer with the PLUG & PLAY formula, which means that we will deliver the rig ready to use, where you only need to switch on the device to start mining without any other operations. Buy Mining Rig of 8 Mining GPUs

Buy Mining Rig of 8 Mining GPUs , Order Mining rig of 8 RTX , buy Mining Rig 8 Mining GPUs now, Purchase Mining Rig 8 Mining GPUs


Premium Trading Limited - premiumtradinglimited.co.uk
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