AI Products 

Strain Wave Gearing System | SMD Gearbox

Amida Cai
Strain Wave Gearing System | SMD Gearbox

SMD Harmonic Gearbox is the composition of 3 drive devices like Wave Generator, Flex spline, Rigid Spline. SMD Harmonic Gearbox have high transmission ratio and Bearing capacity. Compared with other Gearbox they are light weight and are of small size. The applications of Harmonic Actuators depends upon various factors such as zero backlash, high positional accuracy, Torque etc, thus they are used in various industries such as Industrial Robots, Medical Equipment, Machine tools, Printing Machine, Semiconductor Equipment, Special Purpose Machines etc. The Performance of SMD Harmonic Gearbox is high because of gearing technology including Compact size, High Torque, less Backlash, excellent positional accuracy and repeatability.



For More Technical Information :-

Visit - https://www.smdgearbox.com/harmonic-gearbox-with-solid-shaft-end

Reference Link - https://www.behance.net/gallery/136909437/Strain-Wave-Gearing-System-SMD-Gearbox

Mail ID – sales@smdgearbox.com

Phone No. - +886 (09) 67388376 / +91 7030669818

Amida Cai
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