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Why valentine day is celebrated

Why valentine day is celebrated

What is Valentine’s Day? St Valentine’s Day is a yearly festival to celebrate romantic love, friendship, and esteem. Each year on 14 February individuals celebrate this day by sending messages of affection and love to spouses, family members, and friends. Couples deliver Valentine’s Day flowers and cards and spend time with each other to honor their love for one another.

Saint Valentine’s day or the Feast of St. Valentine, popularly known as Valentine’s day is a day of honoring one or two Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine. Legend has it that in Ad 269, Saint Valentine was persecuted by Emperor Claudius III. Saint Valentine is thought of restoring the sight of the jailer’s blind daughter, and writing a letter to her, signed “your Valentine” before execution. Other accounts suggest that Saint Valentine performed weddings for Christian soldiers who were not allowed to marry. In AD 496, Pope Gelasius I established the feast of St. Valentine to honor him. In the 14th and 15th centuries, this day became associated with love and through gradual evolution and addition, we see Valentine’s day as it is celebrated today. Well from this story of st valentine we can learn that romantic Valentine’s Day thus has quite a dark history.

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