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PTE vs IELTS - Which one is Easier?

Think English
PTE vs IELTS - Which one is Easier?

We’re all familiar with IELTS and PTE experts like ThinkEnglish which aids PTE and IELTS test applicants to perform their best on the chosen exam. So, if you’re trying to choose which test to take, here’s the information you require. This will help you decide the test you are most comfortable at.

Learn about the major distinctions between IELTS and PTE-A with this guide. 

The PTE, as well as the IELTS both, are English Language Tests that are required to be taken by students keen to study abroad.

PTE is a short form as Pearson English Language Test, and IELTS is the acronym as the International English Language Testing System.

IELTS tests are offered across over 140 countries. It was launched in 1989 while PTE has 200 test centres around the globe. Both exams are secure and safe, and have been widely accepted by more than 3,000 educational institutions across the


The primary difference between the IELTS test and PTE is that the PTE exam is only available using a computer. In contrast, IELTS requires your physical presence in order to pass a paper- based exam– with a few exceptions for tests that are online in India.

  •  Even the process of analyzing the two exams differ greatly. PTE-A employs artificial intelligence to determine scores (offering an accurate and reliable method of evaluating) however, IELTS is evaluated by hand.
  • There are other differences, such as which is most widely recognized and what is the cost
  • associated as well as the number of exams allowed each year, and many more.

Which English test should you choose? IELTS or PTE?

1. PTE:

The PTE (Pearson Language Test) is an exam for non-native English language test.

PTE Academic is a computer-based English test for non-native English students working in other countries. It tests the applicant's abilities to write, read or listen to and communicate in English. Each question on the test is a combination of two skills such as speaking and reading or listening and writing.

Australian, as well as New Zealand governments, recognize PTE Academic as an acceptable visa application. Anyone who wants to pursue a degree in a country that is primarily English- speaking like Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States needs to prove that they have English proficiency.

Exam Test PTE (Pearson Exam for Language):

Different types of Exam: PTE General, PTE Academic, PTE Young Learners

Official Website: https://www.pearsonpte.com/

Registration Fees: INR 13,700

No. of Sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing

The following is the list of sections and length for each of the sections:

Writing and Speaking (54-67 minutes)

Reading (29-30 minute)

Listening (30-43 minutes)


IELTS is an acronym as International English Language Testing System. Individuals who want to relocate or work or study in a different country must be able to demonstrate their English capability to pass the test.

The IELTS is the one English Language Test that UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) is able to authorize to visa applicants from both outside and within the UK. Since your overall IELTS scores are vital it is essential that you demonstrate an excellent grasp and mastery in the English language.

Exam of IELTS (International English Language Testing System):

Different types of Exam: IELTS General, Academic IELTS

Official Website: https://www.ielts.org/

Registration Fees: INR 14,700

No. of Sections: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing

IELTS or PTE, which one is better?

Both exams are excellent in their own way since both are English Proficiency Scorers and can be trusted. However, PTE scores are more trustworthy than IELTS scores since PTE exams are online and the results are generated online, meaning that no bias issue based on human nature is present, while IELTS scores are based on a computerized test. IELTS test is more straightforward than the PTE exam.

  •  Scores from PTE are much more accurate.
  • ELTS exams are much less difficult than the PTE score due to of its marking system.
  •  Both are exams for English Proficiency Scorers.
  •  Both tests are intended to be taken by students who are keen on studying abroad.
  •  Both exams have equal importance, well-respected and required.

PTE vs Score of IELTS

Scores for IELTS and PTE are calculated in different ways. PTE score reports are determined by the total test performance while IELTS scores, scores are calculated individually for each section i.e. distinct to learn, different for speaking, and many more. However, both tests reflect the general ability of English the individual. Some of the most crucial elements include:

  • IELTS scores are calculated between 0 and 9.
  • It is a fact that the scores of IELTS are calculated in a single step then the final score is
  • calculated.
  •  The total PTE score is calculated as a range of the 0 to 90.
  • This PTE score report contains sections of personal details , photographs, score report
  • codes general score, and a detailed breakdown of performance.
  •  A great IELTS score could be anywhere between 6 and 9.

PTE vs. IELTS score accuracy

  •  PTE is very accurate for the writing section, however, it is not as accurate in the speaking portion. When it comes to the PTE speaking section, scores on pronunciation tend to be low. However, the speaking coaching provided by PTE can assist with this.
  •  The exam of IELTS test-taker’s report writing section is strict. Test takers who weren’t satisfied with their score were given the possibility of taking the test, and certain questions were examined more gently and resulted in higher scores.

PTE vs. IELTS Score Calculator

Both scores are different. IELTS scores cannot be transformed into PTE scores since they differ from one another. The IELTS score is calculated in between 0 and 9 while PTE scores are calculated between 0 to 90. In the event that your IELTS score falls between 7.0 and 7.0 then the score on PTE ranges between 65 to 72 in turn.

  • In PTE, communication and enabling skills are rated differently.
  •  In the context of communicative skills, the main points are: Listening to, Reading, Speak and writing.
  •  Under the Enabling Skills the pillars include Grammar, Fluency, Pronunciation Spelling Vocabulary, Written Disclosure.
  •  In IELTS scoring, scores are measured within a range of 0-9. Each domain is scored within a 9 -0.
  • The domains of IELTS are Listening, Reading Writing, Listening and speaking.

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