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Sony will continue to sell PSP games in PS3 and PS Vita stores

Sony will continue to sell PSP games in PS3 and PS Vita stores

Always yes, Sony will continue to sell PSP games in PS3 and PS Vita stores, but in-game content purchases will no longer work.

The Truth News has new information, Sony will continue to sell PSP games in PS3 and PS Vita stores, but some details will have to be taken because it raises a new policy of somewhat confusing decisions regarding some of its old products.

It had been said that this Friday, July 2, the company would stop selling PlayStation Portable (PSPdigital games, but now it turns out that Sony will continue to sell PSP games in PS3 and PS Vita stores.

Sony will continue to sell PSP games in PS3 and PS Vita stores

Sony will continue to sell PSP games in PS3 and PS Vita stores

Always yes, Sony will continue to sell PSP games in PS3 and PS Vita stores, but in-game content purchases will no longer work.

The Truth News has new information, Sony will continue to sell PSP games in PS3 and PS Vita stores, but some details will have to be taken because it raises a new policy of somewhat confusing decisions regarding some of its old products.

It had been said that this Friday, July 2, the company would stop selling PlayStation Portable (PSP) digital games, but now it turns out that Sony will continue to sell PSP games in PS3 and PS Vita stores.

As said in March, PS3, Vita, and PSP output, Sony will withdraw its digital store games, now it turns out that users will be able to continue buying PSP games but through the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita stores.

READ MORE:- https://techjustify.com/sony-will-continue-to-sell-psp-games-in-ps3-and-ps-vita-stores/

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