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Kamagra Gold 100mg | KamagraForHim

Tissue Overseas
Kamagra Gold 100mg | KamagraForHim

Side Effects of consuming Kamagra Gold 100mg.

Just like other medications, Kamagra Gold 100mg is also known to cause some of the undesirable sides effects or adversaries. Few of the most common side effects that are known to occur include:

Mild side effects

  • Headache
  • Blocked nose
  • Mild Nausea
  • Eye dryness
  • Rhinitis

The above-mentioned side effects that occur due to the intake of Sildenafil usually don’t require medical attention. These side effects are mild and may diminish when the body is able to adjust itself to the pill. Also, the health care professionals will be able to communicate with you about the ways to prevent these mild side effects. However, you have to check out with the physician when any of the side effects continue or it becomes bothersome.

Acute Side Effects

Although the occurrence of acute side effects are rare due to the intake of this medication, if you experience any of such adversaries, then just stop consuming the ED drug & seek medical help immediately

  • Erection longer than a period of 5 hours (Priapism)
  • Severe reduction or loss in vision
  • Severe reduction or loss in hearing
  • Cloudy /bloody urine

Tissue Overseas
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