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Auto Repair Shop Wayne NJ

Scott Tire
Auto Repair Shop Wayne NJ

Scott Tire & Automotive is a full-service automotive repair shop that provides clients in the area of Clifton, NJ with top-quality auto repair and maintenance services. We provide quality Tires, Auto Repair, and Wheels. We help drivers in Clifton, NJ, Little Falls, NJ, and Wayne, NJ with auto repairs and tires. Auto body, collision repair, and paint services are designed for motorists who need assistance after a vehicle receives damage from an accident or is recovered from a theft. After a collision, the resulting vehicular damage can be seen in the form of dents and scratches on the vehicle’s body and blemishes in its paint. In addition, a vehicle’s wires may need to be fixed, or its parts may need to be replaced after a theft or accident occurs.

Scott Tire
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