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Maritime Operations Technologies in Netherlands

Tow Botic System
Maritime Operations Technologies in Netherlands

Tow-Botic Systems develops discrete event simulation models for optimizing port operations, forecasting shipping emissions and operating costs at port and approaches. These templates can be used as your door's digital twin to run different scenarios and assess the impact of planned changes.

Our vision is to improve the efficiency and sustainability of maritime operations using new technologies. The economic and social challenges for the Dutch maritime technology sector are combined into 4 high-priority innovation themes. The Netherlands is a world leader in the provision of offshore services and the development of complex maritime systems

The advantages of our technology

o Identify bottlenecks and assist in optimal infrastructure planning.

o Visualize a process and explore the potential effects of changes prior to actual implementation

o Calculate port shipping emissions and approaches at any time and plan an emissions reduction strategy for your port

o Determine infrastructure upgrades that have a large impact on operational costs

o Use real-time AIS data to continuously update ship positions and repeat simulations

Tow Botic System
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