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Different Types Of Trucks In India With Highlighted Points

ayushi gupta
Different Types Of Trucks In India With Highlighted Points

Transportation is one of the major industries on which a large part of the Indian economy depends. The industry involves the transportation of various materials, whether big or small. Transportation includes various modes for transporting materials, but roads are the most effective and widely used mode, especially in big countries like India. Hence, the Indian market consists of a large portfolio of trucks which involves pickups, heavy-duty trucks, tippers, dumper trucks and many more. You can choose one among them as per your business needs. 

Here, we will show two different types of trucks with their popular models. Take a close look at them. 

  • Dumper Truck 

A dumper truck is a heavy-duty truck widely used to transport heavy and bulky materials. It is a powerful and highly featured truck engaged in the construction and mining industries. This type of truck model comes with efficient engines and is loaded with many advanced features. Popular dumper trucks are Tata Signa 4825.TK, Tata Signa 3525.K/.TK and BharatBenz 2823C. 

  • Pickup Truck 

A Pickup truck is a lightweight truck used to transport light and medium goods. It is small in size but powerful to tackle worse transportation situations. This type of truck is widely used in narrow streets of cities. It is equipped with high mobility solutions which make it efficient to perform various commercial applications. Popular pickup trucks are Mahindra Bolero Maxitruck Plus, Ashok Leyland Dost Strong and Ashok Leyland BADA DOST. 

To know more about different trucks, visit Truck Junction. 

ayushi gupta
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