Freshness and Energy are what we expect every time while taking a sip of tea. At Chaicraft, you can expect the same from our Spearmint Tea Loose Leaf Collection and Peppermint Tea Collection. These special offerings from our side offer multiple benefits like:
• Easing of the Digestive Upsets.
• Boosting of Immunity by fighting bacterial infections.
• Reducing stress and anxiety, due to the presence of high levels of antioxidants.
• Improving the sleep routine and stimulating weight loss.
• Easing out hormonal disbalances, and much more.
Spearmint Tea Loose Leaf and Peppermint Tea Online and Offline both are gaining a lot of attraction. This is because peppermint tea and loose-leaf tea generally offer a fresher and energizing experience. As the tea leaves are not processed end to end to reduce them to granules, they can retain more flavor. Spearmint Tea Loose Leaf has more advantages than a conventional tea-powder box in many ways:
1. Loose Leaf Tea is in its next to purest form compared to powdered (and sometimes dust) tea. This makes them taste a lot better on steeping, releasing the entire inherent flavor in your chai.
2. Loose Leaf Tea boosts metabolism to a greater level than the same processed tea variant.
3. It is more effective in reducing inflammation especially of the intestines. As loose leaves have all their stalks attached, you get the benefits of not just the leaf, but the plant as a whole.
But, all these benefits can vanish, if the tea is not packed properly. At Chaicraft all our Loose Leaf Tea and Peppermint Tea Online and Offline offerings are packed with a special multi-layer coating. Tea is packed in separate heat-sealing pouches, that have Oxygen and Moisture Absorbing certified harmless tablets. This ensures that the inside content is fresh, aromatic, and bacteria-free.
We have also incorporated the steeping instructions, and the best consumption time, as per the product you are choosing. All these recommendations come from our experienced Master-blenders in the hills of our farms of Darjeeling, Assam, and the Dooars. These master-blenders select only the best quality leaves from a bunch of thousands of plucked leaves. This helps in giving you consistently good taste and quality. You are not going to find the quality which Chaicraft’s Peppermint Tea Online/ Offline offers!
Not just at health, we focus on taste too! Our premium selected leaves are combined with organic flavors that too are sourced from the hills themselves. Thus ensuring, optimum satisfaction in your every chai sip! We aim at providing the best quality natural and herbal tea with the best organic tastes. With our herbal tea consumption, you will never miss the taste of your traditional masala chai. We combine diet with taste, so do that you do not crave!
Chaicraft considers farmers as part of an extended family. As such, for our family’s social upliftment, we reinvest a flat 2% of all our net profit for their betterment. So, when you are having your perfect chai, our farmers too are being rejoiced!