AI Products 

Future Supply Chain Solutions Limited

Future Supply Chain Solutions Limited

FSC is one of India’s largest organised third-party supply chain and logistics service provider.

We offer automated and IT-enabled warehousing, distribution and other logistics solutions to a wide range of customers. Our service offerings, warehousing structure, pan-India distribution network, “hub-and-spoke” transportation model and automated technology systems support our competitive market position. Our customers operate in various sectors across India, including fashion and apparel, automotive and engineering, food and beverage, fast-moving consumer goods (“FMCG”), e-commerce, healthcare, electronics and technology, home and furniture and ATMs.

We believe our business model enables us to act as a service provider that can comprehensively cover our customers’ supply chain needs. We provide solutions that enable our customers to leverage our distribution network and which, we believe, optimises the performance, cost and efficiency of their supply chains as well as shortening their lead-time to market.

To know more: https://www.futuresupplychains.com/


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