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What Are The Striking Differences Between Cat 7 And Cat 8 Ethernet Cables?

Grayson world
What Are The Striking Differences Between Cat 7 And Cat 8 Ethernet Cables?

Installing and choosing data cables for your new home is not a simple task as it takes time to choose and understand which cable network is suitable for your home. Additionally, before you choose any data cable, you must go through the features and properties of that. A good ethernet cable ensures the safety of your home.


Although several types of ethernet cable networks are available in the market, choosing between Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6, Cat6a, Cat7, and Cat8 is difficult, and we understand that. However, nowadays, Cat7 and Cat8 are computing in the market. That is why we are here to illuminate the differences between Cat7 and Cat8.

Cat7 And Cat8: General Information To Know


Category 7 or Cat7, or Cat-7 is an ethernet of Gigabit. The striking infrastructure of this Cat7 makes it appropriate for making a smart home. You can certainly go for the Cat7 flat ethernet cable network if you want to protect your home from electronic glitches. Additionally, this Cat7 can support a high-speed ethernet connection.


On the other hand, Category 8 or Cat8, or Cat-8 is the advanced version of ethernet data cable that has changed the world. The smartest features can make it a perfect choice for a smart home. This ethernet cable can provide the customers with a high-speed communication connection without any error.

The Key Differences To Note Down:


Although both these Cat7 and Cat8 are friendly to use, a few differences can be noted. And we will bring them in front of you in this blog. So, let’s figure out the differences.


●      Performance to consider:


The first and foremost difference that anyone should know between Cat7 and Cat8 is the performance. Well, both of these ethernet cables do possess some advanced performance, however, there is a noticeable difference in the performance of these cables. The Cat7 gives up to 600 MHz speed. However, on the other hand, Cat8 gives more speed and exceeds Cat7. The Cat8 can offer the customers up to 2000 MHz speed, which is surely a point to consider.


●      The length of the cable:


Next comes the difference in the length of the cables. The Cat7 length is 100m, and the Gbps is 10 for this cable. However, the Cat8 is more lengthy than the Cat7. The cat8 has a maximum 30m length and the Gbps is 25 to 40 here.


●      Price to count:


Although the features of both the ethernet cables do matter, one needs to keep in mind the price. As the features are different and the Cat8 has more advanced features than the Cat7, it is easily understood that there will be a difference in the price of both these cables. The price for a Cat7 flat ethernet cable is a bit more affordable than the Cat8. Hence, because of the features and higher category, the Cat8 is more pricy than the Cat7.


●      Shielding matters:


The shielding of both these cables can be another point of difference. However, both Cat7 and Cat8 have shielded construction. However, the Cat7 offers an extensive shield, and Cat8 requires shielded cable construction. Moreover, the Cat7 has 4 connectors whereas, Cat8 has 2 connectors.



To conclude, both Cat7 and Cat8 work efficiently and are better than the previous cable versions. However, it is up to the customer to choose by the requirement. 

Grayson world
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