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A Useful Guide On Exhibits And Displays For Librarians

Jessica Wilson
A Useful Guide On Exhibits And Displays For Librarians

Did you know that library exhibits feature more than just books? They also showcase archival materials, photographs, multimedia elements, art, and hands-on exercises. The digital exhibits are designed to reach audiences beyond the circulation desks. It also makes way for the libraries to share their information, lead change and promote resources to the community.

Despite the growth of library exhibits, many library and information programs don't include exhibit development courses. Here is why it is a practical how-to guide for librarians.

It teaches the Librarians how to engage the Visitors

Most of the time, the librarians can learn about exhibit production through different resources in the museum sector or on the job. They get to absorb the work as part of the community outreach programs. They can also take on the exhibit duties as a general profession with interests in the emerging fields. The exhibits and displays help the librarians unleash their potential in library work as they learn to wow and engage the everyday visitors.

Offers Detailed Instructions

The book's authors have done great by giving detailed instructions and the importance of creating the Exhibits. A step-by-step guide on how to follow an institution's vision, writing a compelling text, and knowing one's audience is also well explained. It is also a perfect way to teach the librarians how to prepare and handle items in the physical displays plan to manage and market the exhibits. It is the best guide for both experienced and new librarians in creating exhibits.

Offers professional Insight

Exhibits & Displays: A Practical Guide for Librarians offers all librarians the best informative insights and valuable resources. Whether new or experienced. It covers everything a librarian should know to plan to implement high-quality exhibits. Such exhibits will educate, engage and inspire the community.

It is a piece of advice by librarians for librarians, making it the best kind of information. There are also some compilations of case studies from different libraries that offer the best illustration of practices and valuable professional insights. These insights should help you come up with the best exhibit that will best suit your library's needs.

Organized Chapters

Ng-He and the co-author, Gibbons, organized the chapters to give a clear step-by-step way to create an exhibit. The chapters explain much more, including why librarians must create an exhibit. And also why they should follow their library's vision while doing it. The chapters are arranged as follows: 

  • Pre-planning
  • Curation and content development
  • Project management
  • Graphic design and writing for readability
  • Preservation and collection care
  • Legal considerations and loan registration
  • Installation or de-installation and maintenance tips
  • Hands-on interactive and digital exhibits
  • Education
  • al programming
  • Marketing
  • Audience evaluation and finally,
  • Supplemental examples and case studies

Whether you are a librarian in public, school, academic or special library, the benefits of Exhibits & Displays: A Practical Guide for Librarians will benefit you. It also serves as a perfect textbook for Library Information Science (LIS) courses that cover exhibition development and outreach. Learning about displays is open to everyone, not only librarians and this book is the perfect guide to achieve that.

Jessica Wilson
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