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AddVal Electrical Services - Edmonton Electricians

AddVal Electrical Services
AddVal Electrical Services - Edmonton Electricians

AddVal Electrical – We Provide Commercial & Residential Electrical Services for Edmonton and the Surrounding Area

AddVal Electrical is a locally owned and operated electrical contracting business servicing Edmonton and the surrounding area. Our team has over 10 years of electrical experience in Edmonton, completing residential and commercial projects. Our certified journeyman electricians provide regulated quality workmanship following all Canadian Electrical Code guidelines. We continuously keep up to date with new industry guidelines, attend trade shows, workshops, and train our staff to offer new and improved technology, as well as stay current with trends in the electrical industry. We are fully insured and bonded, meeting all government standards for safety and assurance on all Addval projects and service calls. We believe in saving our clients money while also working towards a greener planet, that’s why we invest in using sustainable products such as smart switches, motion sensors, smart LED lights, LED fixtures, smart systems, and other emerging sustainable products.

AddVal Electrical

Edmonton Electrical Services

Commercial & Residential Electrical – Edmonton & area

Trusted Edmonton Electrical Services


AddVal Electrical Services
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