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Indie Dev Creating Thunder Force Spiritual Successor

Indie Dev Creating Thunder Force Spiritual Successor

High-profile current scrolling shooters or "shoot them ups" consistently release to positive praise, but then the class has declined from must-have games to being known only within a moderately niche crowd. Despite this, one independent developer is creating a spiritual successor that takes inspiration from a classic series SEGA fans might bear in mind, Thunder Force.

The Thunder Force franchise was a series of shooters on the SEGA Genesis, Saturn and later PS2 systems known for its high trouble, iconic music, and generally complex gameplay contrasted with its contemporaries. While weaving among bullets and destroying enemies, the player is relied upon to switch weapons and adjust ship speed while reacting to situational hazards.

Independent developer Terarin as of late declared another game that takes heavy inspiration from the Thunder Force series. The game, Terra Flame, is as of now confirmed to have eight levels and a procession mode for competition purposes. The horizontal scrolling, weapon switching, and speed control are basically the same as mechanics present in Thunder Force, yet the game also includes Terarin's signature boss loss timers and collectible point pickups seen in previous games. All through the whole trailer, the Thunder Force inspiration is obvious, however the additional mechanics and more TurboGrafx-CD inspired music help give Terra Flame its own flair beyond being a simple clone.

The Thunder Force series itself is fondly recollected by SEGA Genesis owners, however despite this, not many attempts at a similar recipe exist in the advanced sort space. Innovation still exists in the class, as demonstrated by original IPs like Jamestown+, however a significant number of the classic series that made the class what it is today are long dead; Konami's Gradius has not seen a mainline release for almost twenty years, Technosoft's Thunder Force's last release was in 2008, and Treasure's Radiant Silvergun is still not accessible on any current-gen stage.











Despite the stagnation of numerous classic franchises, scrolling shooters are experiencing a resurgence as of late through PlatinumGames' recovery of the Cresta series and YOTSUBANE's Crimzon Clover World EXplosion releasing to positive recognition. Terarin's spot in the advanced shooter space is now grounded with the ImageStriker series and RagingBlasters, so Terra Flame will be yet another addition to the developer's long lineup.

Despite the rebound scrolling shooters are in the midst of, the many dead franchises seem, by all accounts, to be staying dead, as there are not rumors of another Gradius or Thunder Force game. While a stagnant franchise might frustrate fans, it also highlights the significant job independent developers have in keeping niche genres alive through new and innovative games.

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