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Everything You Need to Know About 3d And 4d Ultrasound Scans!

Preggoland Mamas

The feeling of carrying a new life inside you is beyond words because nothing in this world can match the joy of bringing a baby into this world. 

Most people are unaware of the advanced medical technologies, as, with the help of these technologies, you can be able to meet their little bundle of joy without holding it in your hands. 

Thus, you can easily find a 3d 4d ultrasound near you that is usually common nowadays. We know that pregnancy comes with a lot of happiness, excitement, and responsibilities. However, apart from celebrating the pregnancy period, you must ensure to keep a regular check on your baby that is growing inside you. 

What is a 3d 4d ultrasound?  

There is a slight difference between both the ultrasound, that you need to know. A 3D ultrasound scan captures the three-dimensional picture of your baby by which you can precisely see the baby's features. The features include the face, little feet, and hands. 

While on the other hand, you can see your baby moving through the 4D ultrasound effects, which can be the first and a cute short video of your little bundle of joy. 

The pregnancy journey is filled with excitement, anxiety, and concern, so you can consider a 4d ultrasound near you once you reach seven weeks of your pregnancy helps you to get a clear and realistic look of your baby moving inside the belly.   

Is ultrasound safe for both the mother and the baby? 

When it comes to machines and equipment, we can understand your concern when expecting a baby. So, to clear a few concerns and doubts, here are some of the points about how a 3d or 4d ultrasound can be a safe thing to get during your pregnancy. Also, it can help you meet your little one even before holding in your arms.  

Commonly, an ultrasound is known as sonography, where the doctor examines you first and then suggests a perfect time to have an ultrasound. However, you can get a 3d 4d ultrasound near you, through which you can know about your baby's health. Also, have a look at how he is growing and developing inside you. 

 Getting an ultrasound is safe and secure for both the mother and the baby. Ultrasound has shown no side effects or harm to the baby or the mother. However, a 3D, 4D, and HD live-scanning intensity are similar to an old 2D ultrasound scan.

The advantages of getting a 4d ultrasound

  You can easily get a 4d ultrasound near you to detect the age of the fetus or if there are any multiple pregnancies. 

  • You can have a clear look at your baby's expressions.  

The bottom line

Once you have decided to go for an ultrasound, you will surely not regret it because when you finally see your baby moving inside you, it will all be worth it.  

Preggoland Mamas
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