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Invisalign with a Difference

Dental health
Invisalign with a Difference

The first thing anyone notices while meeting a person is probably their smile. A good smile makes you an attractive person and also boosts your self-confidence. But, if you are not happy with your smile, you need not to worry as Invisalign in Crystal Palace will help you smile with confidence, as it is the best treatment to straighten teeth or crooked teeth.

Invisible Invisalign Clear Plastic Aligners

A clear aligner is very much similar to a mouthguard and is an excellent remedy for straightening, crooked, gappy, and overlapping teeth. These are clear, very thin, and are made of transparent medical-grade plastic. They can gradually move your teeth in the desired position to help your smile improve.

Invisalign treatment in southeast London is very common as these aligners are comfortable, removable, clear, and very easy to use. You can remove them when you want to eat or drink in a normal manner and can clean them and your teeth easily. 

Usually, the treatment consists of a pair of aligners that are individually prepared for your teeth with the help of computer 3D imaging. They are changed generally in two weeks, and you have to use another set of aligners, to gradually move your teeth in the correct position. 

Most people think that Invisalign is helpful to correct a slightly crooked bite. But in reality, clear dental aligners from Invisalign in Crystal Palace can help you with:

  • Filling the gaps between your teeth
  • Correct your teeth position in case of overbite, under-bite, or cross-bite
  • Space out overcrowded teeth especially from in front of your jaw
  • Align crooked teeth straightening the row of your teeth

Myths about Invisalign in Crystal Palace

Invisalign is more aesthetically designed and pleasing to wear and works more effectively when compared to the most traditional braces. If you are looking for Invisalign treatment, you should know the most common myths about it before undergoing the treatment.

  • Invisalign Doesn’t Deliver Long-Time Results: This is a total myth. Invisalign can keep your teeth straight for years after years provided they are used in the right manner. Moreover, it is a proven fact that traditional braces are not as effective in straightening teeth when compared to Invisalign treatment. To check what type of Invisalign treatment you need, it is good to check with your doctor before undergoing the Invisalign treatment in Crystal Palace
  • Invisalign Treatment is Expensive: Previously Invisalign gained a negative reputation being considered as a costly alternative for traditional metal braces dental treatment. It was indeed costly when Invisalign was introduced in the market. But as they have become more popular, they have shown a steady decline in their prices. These days you can find Invisalign more affordable to easily fit in your budget.
  •  Invisalign Require High Maintenance: Again a total misconception as the traditional metal braces require more cleaning when compared to Invisalign. You can easily wear off the Invisalign and can clean them as well as your teeth whenever you like. You also need not worry about developing moth abrasions as there is no metal involved under this treatment. While with metal braces you may need to visit your doctor more frequently, Invisalign makes you free to make regular appointments with your doctor. 


Invisalign is now a popular removable brace that can completely change the way you smile. Totally invisible and very comfortable to wear, and removable so that you eat and drink normally, Invisalign has emerged as the best alternative to traditional metal braces. 

If you are planning for some type of dental treatment Invisalign in Crystal Palace can be the best solution for your problem.

Dental health
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