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Best Home Loans with Shubham co

Shubham Housing
Best Home Loans with Shubham co

Shubham Housing Development Finance Company works with a vision to be the best known and most preferred loan lender of choice for people with informal income. It is amongst the first organization in India to provide a tailored credit program for every applicant instead of document-based underwriting. Customers are provided step-by-step guidance on how to evaluate EMI affordability and about formal housing finance procedures. With more than, 80 branches in seventy-eight cities, Shubham has worked with over 8700 happy customers.

With a pioneer in a home loan group like Shubham Housing Finance Company by your side, you do not have to worry about any of the typical hassles related to buying and financing a property.

Eligibility Criteria to Apply for Home Loan:

  • The customer needs to be more than 21 years of age but he/she should not exceed the age of 65 years at the time of loan maturity.
  • The borrower must have a bank account.
  • The borrower should be living in a city where Shubham’s Office is situated.
  • A guarantor is not required.
  • All the proprietors of the property that is being financed and each and every person whose income has been considered for the loan needs to be the co-applicants to the loan.

Document Required-:

  • Application form with all the necessary details filled in.
  • Pan Card, Voters ID Card, Passport as identity proof
  • Address proof such as ration card, electricity bill, and Income proof documents, if available.
  • Bank passbook or Bank Statements is necessary
  • Copies of the Property papers and the Construction assessment
  • One can also select Shubham.co for applying for loans under PMAY.

Benefits of Shubham Home Loans:

  • We, at Shubham.co, offer a high quantum of loans that is up to Rs. 1500,000 and in some selected cities this amount becomes 20,00,000 what could be better than this. With such a high amount, one can easily get to make buying a new home and make improvements to it.
  • The loan tenure is up to 15 years and customers can even customize this time according to their needs
  • Shubham.co offers multipurpose home loans the loans can be used for plot purchase, home modifications, and self-construction.
  • One of the best features of Shubham home loans is that we provide easy home loans, in fact, the applicant does not even require a guarantor while applying for the loan and this makes the process further swifter.

Shubham Housing
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