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Patent Drafting Certificate Course 2022

Niharika Gautam
Patent Drafting Certificate Course 2022

RIPA designed the course to acknowledge beginners without any prior knowledge on patent drafting to draft patent specifications on their own. Our course covers the pillar principles of patent drafting and discusses the concepts with great elaboration in patent law in the context of patent drafting. A patent agent is a very lucrative job in today's world. We prepare our students for Patent Agent Examination through thorough studying and writing. Analyzing the cases decided by the court gives an understanding of the foundation of patent law. Patent Agent Examination-2022 and create more and more patent professionals specifically out of science graduates, engineers, technologists, advocates, CAs, CS, and professionals having science background. For those who find interest in emerging technologies and development, a Patent Agent & job is one of the opportunities to be in. A potential IP professional can be a game-changer for this competitive business environment. A profession in IP is gradually becoming one of the most lucrative options. This patent agent course module is designed to create the right kind of patent professionals that can boost the facilitation of the patent domain. Patent agents are not necessarily attorneys and patent agents who are not attorneys cannot practice legal matters such as rendering legal opinion on IP litigation matters, patent litigation before the Honorable courts. This 8-week course is specially designed to assist aspiring candidates to crack the Patent Agent Examination-2022 and create more and more patent professionals specifically out of science graduates, engineers, technologists, advocates, CAs, CS. The RIPA program course teaches you new innovative skills and writing opportunities to help students prepare for the digital economy. For further information please contact us at +91-8700818269 or [email protected].

Patent Agent Exam 2022

Niharika Gautam
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