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Learn How E-healthcare Platform Works - MyCare

MyCare Ghana
Learn How E-healthcare Platform Works - MyCare

Learn How E-healthcare Platform Works - MyCare 

MyCare is a user-friendly app to be handled by doctors, patients, pharmacies and laboratories. Learn how it & Find Best Doctors near you & get best video consultation with doctors or order medicine online with your mobile. 

MyCare Ghana is the best E-healthcare app use to manage all patient's records such as personal information, medical reports, medication, hospital visit history, clinical notes, patient history and other notes. MyCare Ghana app is an easy to use and user friendly app to handle.

This Laboratory section of MyCare Ghana app will help patients get their Online Lab Test appointment quickly. Also, Laboratory will send their representative home to get samples for test. Patients can also check Laboratory test results online.

The Pharmacy section of MyCare Ghana app will help patients buy their medicines online. Patients can send E-Prescriptions so that medicines gets delivered to their home on time without any delay. 

The doctors can manage their Online Appointments with one click. Doctors can generate E-Prescriptions for their patients so that it can be accessed anytime, anywhere. The doctor can also have online video consultations or have in-person consultations booked entirely through the MyCare Ghana app & accommodate patients who cannot visit the rooms or hospitals and patients that prefer seeing the doctors.

MyCare Ghana
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