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Technology Business Management | Technology Business Management Solution - Wipro

Technology Business Management | Technology Business Management Solution - Wipro

The way IT does business must change through a foundational shift in people, processes, and technology. CIOs are realizing the need to adopt a value-centric approach by creating a new operating model for running IT that delivers business outcomes and partners with IT’s clients and customers in a cost-effective manner. Technology Business Management provides a methodology to enable IT to deliver value as defined by its clients, customers, and partners in a cost effective-manner. In order to drive business value and innovation, IT must become a competitive provider of IT services. Conversations and vocabulary need to move beyond just technologies, SLAs, and projects to discussions about the tradeoffs needed to balance cost, quality, and value. These tradeoffs are at the core of Technology Business Management. The TBM Journey Map provides a strategy for addressing an organization’s transformational challenges and bridges the gap between the current state and desired TBM objectives. No matter where a company is on its TBM journey, we are here to help define, implement, and optimize TBM design principles that meet your TBM strategy and vision. We pride ourselves on our ability to help our customers adopt the TBM framework across their entire IT operating model by leveraging our TBM Journey Map. Our CIO Advisory services team is a global team of senior IT professionals and former CIO(s). We bring together all the complex dimensions required to run an agile enterprise scale IT organization. This includes Cloud First strategies, Technology Business Management, Mergers and Acquisitions, Portfolio Management and Next Generation IT Services and Strategies.

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