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Human Resource Management Software

Opportune HR
Human Resource Management Software

Smart businessmen don’t like to waste their time following the same lengthy processes of HR tasks manually, time and time again. They take the help of HRMS software (Human Resource Management System) to quickly and easily automate the time-consuming HR activities. 

What is HRMS Software

HRMS is a platform that can automate many of the routine HR processes and can perform a variety of functions of a business. Employees are the heart and core of an organization, so it is critical to maintaining the transparency levels for their ease and well-being. By adopting SaaS-based HR software, maximum productivity can be achieved automating the complete life-cycle of an employee from onboarding to exit. 

HRMS helps managers to execute their responsibilities efficiently, and eradicates the old traditional methods of spreadsheets, pens, and papers. 

Before searching for HRMS software Mumbai, it is good to know the most critical features of this software:

  1. Document Management: HRMS can maintain the complete profile of an employee including personal information, job and salary history, tax details, discipline history, and other necessary details. The information is readily available for tracking and reporting.
  2. Employee Onboarding: HRs have to ensure that the new hires start with the right note and provide them with the tools and techniques required for their daily work. A strong onboarding process is reported to improve productivity almost by 70%. 
  3. Performance Management: HRMS can evaluate employees’ performance. It offers automatic feedback to help HR analyze and also notifies employees automatically via email, thus automating the time-consuming performance review meetings.
  4. Scheduling Management: HRMS enables line managers to coordinate with the working patterns of their team so that they can cover busy periods quickly and efficiently. 
  5. Analysis of Workforce Data: Users can get a range of reports with meaningful statistics about their workforce. The data can further be used for future strategies of an organization. 
  6. Compensation Management: Employee payment is one of the most integral duties of the HR department. It is a long and repeated process needed to be done every month. HRMS can streamline this essential function and automate it ensuring that all the employees are properly compensated.
  7. Time and Attendance Management: Attendance software is an integral part of HRMS. It provides functionality for scheduling shifts and attendance as per various staffing needs. 
  8. Employee Engagement: An organization needs to maintain an employee’s connection to maintain their loyalty. Effective employee engagement helps make them more loyal to the company. Quality communications, timely feedback, and keeping employee wellbeing are the important tasks of the HRMS. 

How to Choose the Right HRMS Software for Your Organization

Before you go out in the market to find the right HRMS software, take time to consider some key questions. For example, if you are a small business, look for an easy-to-implement solution that fits your budget. Or your business may need a more comprehensive solution with added features.   

The following checklist can help you choose the best HRMS software:

  • Find if the HR suite easy to interpret
  • Watch that the HR solution offers all the features you need
  • What about the technical support and after-sales support?
  • How it will secure your confidential employee data?
  • Are there any hidden charges?
  • Can you generate custom reports with the software
  • Its easy integration with your existing systems
  • The flexibility of upgrading the software when required
  • HRMS system should be able to scale with the organization’s growth


Deploying HRMS can boost your employee engagement and allow HR managers to focus more on strategic functions. You can also look for advanced HRMS solutions where apart from basic HR features, it offers advanced learning systems, performance analytics, and accounting capabilities.

Opportune HR
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