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Buy Gold and Diamond Jewellery In Hyderabad

Buy Gold and Diamond Jewellery In Hyderabad

Sri Krishna jewellery shop in Banjarahills are providing online shopping from home. Book slot And select your favorite Diamond and Gold jewelry through video call.

Buy latest designs of Diamond and gold jewelry in banjara hills at best prices . You can also visit our website and book your slot for selecting various designs.

Most of the jewellery is made of Gold. Although it comes in various purity, but the procedure to clean it remains the same.

  • Gold jewellery should be removed before shower. This is because soap can cause a film to form on gold jewellery, making it appear dull and dirty.
  • You will find many cleaners available in the market to clean your gold jewellery at home. Soft cloth is a good option.
  • Avoid chlorine, as it is disastrous. At high temperatures, it can permanently damage or discolor your gold jewellery. Do not wear gold jewellery while using chlorine bleach or while in a pool or hot tub.
  • You can remove tarnish by using soap and water mixed with a few drops of ammonia. Carefully brush with a soft bristle brush. After the brushing, simply rinse with lukewarm water and allow drying.
  • Grease can be removed from gold jewellery by dipping the jewellery into plain rubbing alcohol.

Sri Krishna Jewellers store at Banjarahills launched in 2010 is a massive space of over 10,000sqft. It offers an array of certified gems and jewellery. Our Research and Development wing helps us stay ahead of the industry and expand the business world wide by adopting latest technology, innovative designing and manufacturing techniques. The store conducts public and private shows offering its latest & special jewellery collection in more than 35 districts of both the Telugu states Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

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