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one lace
Women Clothing | Online Shopping | Fashion | Clothing

One Lace is the pinnacle of unity. It is the reflection of one love. One lace is defined as the process of unifying self, your community as you journey. One Lace is a culturally progressive brand led by its visionary designers. The brand aesthetic of individuality, empowerment, and undeniable progression grants them their guidelines.

One Lace was founded by Christopher Louis also known as C.L. and was developed with his team of young intellectual creatives known as the One Lace family. The core of the One Lace family are childhood friends who grew up in Queens, New York. Over the years, from their various neighborhoods, they developed a passion for enlightenment, community, and fashion. The Creator of the universe purposed it for C.L. to bring this gift to the world and C.L. would finally stop running away from accepting the leadership role in manifesting the One Lace brand with the One Lace family. Onelace represents us, as the brand that reflects our individuality, cultures, and progression. Simply put, knowing ourselves, connecting to the community and moving forward as a unit.

The One lace family is a collective of creatives from impoverished neighborhoods of New York who came together to achieve greater. Our mission is support and elevate. We support one another and in turn elevate our community through various outreach programs. One lace Humanity Factor represents that extension of our One Lace brand that assist the needs of our community and the less fortunate.

Website - https://www.onelaceny.com/shop/womens-clothing/

one lace
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